Monday, February 23, 2015

Rocking Chair

 Enjoy the little things in life, because one day you will look back, and realize they were the big things.
This rocking chair is very special to me, and my family. My husbands grandpa used to make them as a hobby. The one on the right was made by him for our wedding present. This was the first time I've attempted to make any kind of furniture, and I must say it turned out quite well. That being said I didn't write down a full tutorial, but I did take some pictures that I hope will inspire you to make your own furniture. 

So this picture is what not to do, don't screw on the top board because you have to screw underneath of the board before screwing the board on, so needless to say I took it back off later on.

As you can see in this picture. Sorry it's upside down clearly my photography skills need some work!

Once I had the whole chair planned out and cut all the pieces it came together very quickly.

So unfortunately I didn't take any pictures while I was making and attaching the rockers. To attach the rocker to the chair I drilled a hole half way through the rocker and put a really long screw into the rocker and the chair.

I used this stain for the chair, I finally decided to try just using a rag instead of a paint brush, and I was amazed how well it worked. I also used the Varathane Diamond Wood Finish.

   Pretty proud of this chair, so if I can do it you can do it. It's really not that difficult. If I decide to make another chair. I will take more detailed measurements and some more pictures. I hope this inspired you!

That's it for now have a rocking good time! (corny or what but I couldn't resist sorry)

1 comment:

  1. An Dir ist ein richtiger Schreinermeister verloren gegangen. Keep up the good work!

