Monday, March 30, 2015

Softie Contest Pt.3

Soft kitty, 

Warm kitty, 

Little ball of fur.

Happy kitty, 

Sleepy kitty, 

Purr Purr Purr

     I love cat's so much, and no there is nothing wrong with becoming a cat lady! 

                  Cat's tend to look a little snobbish even on the best of days and this cat definitely pulls off that look.

One of my favourite parts about making this cat was the intricate little flower. 

Originally I was going to make a cat collar, but the flower adds so much more pose and elegance to this softie. 

    I love how this cat turned out, this is my last softie for awhile, I need to focus on some more pressing matters, but I just want to say a huge thank you to Sew Mama Sew for inspiring me to make these softies for your contest.

Softie Contest Pt. 2

It's so fluffy I'm going to die. Agnes, Despicable Me

    Sew Mama Sew is having a softie contest, so my second softie had to be a spring and easter bunny.

                 Putting wires in his ears helps them stand up and flop over in any direction you want them to go.

And, yes he has a gigantic tail!!!

He's so soft and handsome, my favourite part is his bow tie it adds just enough detail. I hope you guys have a fabulous Easter Weekend!!

Softie Contest Part 1

          Be Hoo you be...

      I was so excited when I found the contest for softies over at Sew Mama Sew. I started out full steam ahead and finished a softie in a day, but then life got crazy and it was more difficult to set aside time to make softies. Regardless I pushed through and managed to complete all 3 softies. So of course one of them had to be an owl.

          I was going for a very patched up look, this was my first softie that I made with a sewing machine, it was a fun new experience.
So when people see this little guy they usually laugh and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not, but at least he's making them happy.

Photography has never been my strength, but I do have a tip don't wait to shoot your softie's until it's the windiest  day of the year because the picture to the left will be your result. 
Anyways part 2&3 will be coming up quite shortly, have a great day. 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Home Sweet Home

Chop your own wood and it will warm you twice.              Henry Ford

My Husband and I have been building a cabin for 8 months now, so I have decided to document our progress on my blog. I'll be updating anytime we make a significant improvement on it. We are actually planning to move it to a different location and live in it for 1-2 years. It's going to be quite the adventure because it is only 253 sq ft. Even though it is tiny I'm super excited to move in because this will be our first home that we have owned, and we won't have to pay rent. Thanks to pinterest I have found so many small kitchen ideas, and in general small living tips. There's currently  such a strong movement to decrease our impact on the earth, and that's why tiny houses have increased in popularity. It's going to be very interesting downsizing all of our belongings and deciding what's truly important to us. We have so many things that we appreciate but aren't really a necessity. So all that being said here is the start of this crazy journey.

                      Our trusty Dodge.


          This is our Norwood Chainsaw sawmill, it was perfect for what we needed. 

  We used dead standing Ponderosa Pine. We have a large amount of bug kill around our house, so we had plenty to choose from.

                                           Butt and Pass was our joining method 

It was exciting to see it take shape, we fortunately didn't have to peel the logs most of the bark came off easily.

                                                  Using them muscles!

                         Porch time, can't wait to put my rocking chair on it!

                            We cut out the door and the windows.

                                               Adding the perlins.


You can finally tell it's a cabin, this was probably the most rewarding day. All our hard work was starting to pay off.

Rafters and strapping went on so quickly, it was so nice to work with lighter materials, that I could actually lift.

We found some old tin laying around that was in remarkably good quality. At first we thought we might have to do it patchwork style with all different coloured tin, but we surprisingly had enough white tin for the whole cabin.

Well that's it for now, I will update again next week as we've already added the loft, door, windows, and stove, but I thought it would be best to divide it into separate posts because of the amount of pictures that was going into this one.