Monday, March 30, 2015

Softie Contest Part 1

          Be Hoo you be...

      I was so excited when I found the contest for softies over at Sew Mama Sew. I started out full steam ahead and finished a softie in a day, but then life got crazy and it was more difficult to set aside time to make softies. Regardless I pushed through and managed to complete all 3 softies. So of course one of them had to be an owl.

          I was going for a very patched up look, this was my first softie that I made with a sewing machine, it was a fun new experience.
So when people see this little guy they usually laugh and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not, but at least he's making them happy.

Photography has never been my strength, but I do have a tip don't wait to shoot your softie's until it's the windiest  day of the year because the picture to the left will be your result. 
Anyways part 2&3 will be coming up quite shortly, have a great day. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello Nicole,
    great job! I think I like your cat the best. Hope you win the contest, you deserve it. Well whatever enjoy your softies!!!!!
